Monday 5 September 2016

My Likes and Dislike of the Marvel Cinematic Universe & DC Extended Universe

Hello, everybody, I'm going to be talking about my likes and dislikes of these two cinematic universes. Now this is my personal opinion, you don't have to agree with it. It's just something that I needed to voice out. So guys, let's get started, shall we?

The DC Extended Universe has it's ups and downs ever since the debut of Man of Steel movie. Personally, I happen to like Man of Steel. I bought it on Blu-ray and if I buy a movie on Blu-ray, that means I liked it. Anyway, there have been numerous issues that people and critics have with DCEU and I'm going to try and go into detail what those issues are and I'll give my opinions as well. The same can be said for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Basically, I'm going to do pros and cons-ish.


Let's start off with DCEU. Now I'm a person who hasn't read a comic book in a very long while. I'm planning on reading Justice League Dark soon. But, if there's one thing that DC has that Marvel doesn't have is their popular heroes and villains. Batman, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman etc have all amazing villains and they are well known throughout the world. For Batman we have The Joker, Mr.Freeze, Scarecrow, Ra al Ghul, Poison Ivy, for The Flash, we have Reverse-Flash, Captain Boomerang, Hunter Zolomon and I could go on and on.

Look at that line-up.

However, when it comes to Marvel, the only popular villains that they have is from Spider-Man's rouge gallery. For example, Kingpin, Green Goblin, Venom, Vulture, Scorpion, Shocker, Doctor Octopus and much more. None of the villains that have appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been all that memorable only Thanos, which we will see in Infinity War, Ultron and Loki. The rest, however, have been forgettable, so DC won that round and hopefully we can see them in the upcoming movies.

If you need further evidence of how amazing the founders of Justice League are, here is a list of their comic book history from Variantcomics.

  1. History of Batman
  2. Top 10 Best Batman Villains!
  3. History of All The Green Lanterns of Earth
  4. History of All The Lantern Corps!
  5. History of Wonder Woman
  6. History of The Flash
  7. History of Superman
  8. History of Aquaman
  9. History of Shazam (Not a founder but, he's part of the DCEU)

HUMOUR (X1000000), UGGGGH!!!

Ever since the MCU have kicked off, they have nailed the comedic aspect in their films. Now don't get me wrong, I love humour, I like laughing during a movie and there have been many MCU movies where I laugh. And that is one thing that DCEU didn't have in the beginning of their universe. Let's look at it from this, Man of Steel didn't have any humour throughout the entire film but, it scored a much higher score than Batman v Superman and Task Force X. But, Task Force X had humour, why didn't it get a much higher score? If I knew that question, I would tell ya.

But, what I don't like is the fact that every comic book movie needs to humour. I don't require humour in every movie. I should not be laughing when the solo Batman movie comes out. Batman is not a man who makes jokes, he has that dry sense of humour. And ever since the negative response of Batman v Superman, WB/DC are incorporating humour into their movies. Regardless, I'm still going to watch their movies.


The MCU and DCEU are both completely films with different tones and I for one like both tones. Let me start off with Marvel since they've been doing great with their movies. Now I have mixed feelings with the tone of Marvel, I'll start off with the good sides. Well, be honest they have great humour in their movies which makes the general audience watch their movies. To be honest, I don't really see the light tone in their movies all that much, other than they have good stories, good characters and the humour is spot on.

In the end, they will band together again to take down Thanos and all be friends again. Maybe???

But, my main problem with their movies is that there hasn't been a serious (dark) tone yet. Everything is light-hearted and there are no real substantial consequences in my opinion, the only consequence recently is what happened in Civil War. If you don't know, HERE is my review of that movie. Every movie ends with a happy-ish ending, except for Thor: The Dark World when Loki disguised himself as Thor's father. And frankly, I'm getting a bit tired of a happy ending. I guarantee you that the Doctor Strange movie is going to end happily and so on and so forth. Again, I'm not hating on Marvel it's just a bit of issue in my part.

And even though we've only had three movies from the DCEU, regardless of how Batman v Superman ended, at least WB/DC had the nerve to kill off Superman (even though we are going to see him in Justice League). A key player in the upcoming fight against Darkseid. That for me was a serious/emotional moment for me and I commend the people that worked on the movie for doing that.

They did the story arc an extent.

And that's pretty much it, to be honest. I hope you guys enjoyed my article. All in all, I think that Marvel Cinematic Universe is a good franchise with flaws and to be honest they need to fix but, I highly doubt that seeing as how much money they have in their pocket. The DC Extended Universe has just started rolling and I think that they are going to be fine, so long if Wonder Woman and Justice League does great in the box office and critics give it a positive review. Yes, it has a couple of flaws but, they are trying to fix it with Geoff Johns spearheading the universe since he is writing the screenplay of Wonder Woman with Allan Heinberg.

I think that I will be doing a continuation of this article after a couple of their movies come out next year, 2017.

So what do you think of the Marvel Cinematic & DC Extended Universe, what is your favourite movie out of the whole franchise? Comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. Later tater.

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