Sunday 22 July 2018

Aquaman (2018) - Trailer Review

Gotta love the new logo.


It's been far, far too long since I've updated my blog and gave a review for a movie or TV show, seeing how it summer vacation not a lot of stuff have been out lately that has peaked my interest. That is until yesterday when the long-awaited trailer for Aquaman debut at San Diego Comic Con. Now let's talk about the future King of Atlantis, shall we?

The first act of the trailer we see Thomas Curry, Arthur Curry's (Aquaman) father, in his lighthouse and see Queen Atlanna on shore, supposedly injured. My guess is that she was running away from her people (Atlanteans) or some evil sea creatures, and we get some small montages of the couple having a baby and that baby grows up to become Arthur Curry as he is destined to unite both the sea and the surface world.

I wouldn't want to mess with that kid.
And we get this scene with Arthur as a kid when his metahuman powers awaken and it is implied that he can communicate with sea creatures. This scene reminded me of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when Harry firsts talk to a snake in the first movie.

We then cut to Arthur, for the sake of this review, I'm just going to say Aquaman from now on, entering a submarine and laying waste (not killing) to some pirates, the exact reason for this is unknown but, we will find out when we see the movie. But, he does say a very cool line, which is VERY appropriate for where he is on the ship.

Permission to come aboard?
Amber Heard as Mera appears and confronts Aquaman into taking his rightful place as king because his half-brother Orm A.K.A Ocean Master (played by Patrick Wilson) is about to declare war upon the surface world. If there's one thing that I'm surprised of, is the fact that, Aquaman's father is still alive. For those who don't know, Thomas Curry is not alive in the comic book, he passed away, I think, so to have him be around in the movie is very different.

Mera, warrior and daughter of King Nereus, ruler of Atlantean tribe of Xebel.
And then, we cut to the moment we have been waiting for, we see our first glimpse of Atlantis (under the sea, pun intended) and it is OUT OF THIS WORLD. The entire city is so sci-fi/fantasy and James Wan has given us that. I believe a couple of weeks ago he said that he wanted this movie to be a sci-fi fantasy/action-adventure and boy, does it feel like that. James Wan used multiple movies as influences for this movie like Romancing in the Stone, Indiana Jones, Star Wars etc and I couldn't agree more. Now fans and I can see why James Wan wanted to take his time working on the VFX because making a movie underwater hasn't been done before EVER. And 2/3rd of the movie will take place underwater, so expect to see scenes on land and sea, woven into the movie.

Welcome to Atlantis
You cannot tell me that this look amazing

The money shot for me is when Aquaman and Mera are jumping off their boat, with Mera holding a flare, and a horde of sea monsters called The Trench are in hot pursuit of the duo. And the visual shot was just amazing, I want that shot as a painting in my room. That alone was the well worth price of waiting months for the trailer. In all honesty, I don't even think Zack Snyder, could have done a shot like that. Now don't get me wrong I'm not dissing Snyder, he is a visual masterpiece but, this shot right here is something I don't think he would have done.

The Trench making their live-action debut and in hot pursuit of the duo
We also see our first look at Black Manta (played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II) and JESUS CHRIST, the suit is LITERALLY, LITERALLY pulled right from the comics. I'm not even joking with you, it's crazy. Wan is fully embracing the comic book lore of Aquaman, from the suits/costumes to the visual style of Atlantis and more.

Black Manta finally makes his appearance. Daivd Kane A.K.A Black Manta

This shot reminds me of his Injustice 2 stage introduction.

Straight from the comics guys.
And the very last shot of the trailer is when we see a BUNCH of Atlantean and other tribes of the sea world wage war upon each other and it is CRAZY, it literally reminds me of Star Wars. The sheer scale of the fight is right up there when X-Wings are facing against the TIE Fighters in space. It's pretty safe to say that the trailer has exceeded my expectation but, it has also met them. This what I wanted from an Aquaman movie and I TRULY hope that this does well because the DC Films need a winning streak. I want this universe to continue on for a long time, I don't want Marvel movies forever, it's getting a bit tiring seeing their movies. I didn't even watch Infinity War because I wasn't bothered in seeing it.

The visuals of this movie are going to be crazy and it's not even finished yet.

This is getting out of hand, I'm look at that.

Star Wars underwater, is the best way to describe this sequence.
In the end, this trailer is amazing, I'm seeing a lot of positive buzz with this trailer and hopefully, it will continue to do so. It already made over 10 million views on YouTube (Warner Bros YouTube) in 19 hours, that's great in my books. I truly believe that this is the rebirth of the DC Extended Universe or DC Universe or Worlds of DC. They haven't officially given us a name, we are still going with DCEU or the new one WODC. I pray this does well in the box office and when critics review it because December is going to be packed with movies, seeing how there isn't a Star Wars movie in December of this year. Every studio is seizing their opportunity because Solo: A Star Wars Story came out around May and didn't do so well.

So, Aquaman trailer, have you seen it, what do you think about it? Do you think this new direction of the DCEU is going in the right direction or do you prefer the old one? Personally, I'm glad things are changing for the better, not a big fan of Zack Snyder, he damaged the DC brand since 2013......just a bad director. But, anyway, comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on Twitter (@DammySensei) and I'll see you guys tomorrow for my Titans review. Later.

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