Saturday 3 September 2016

DCEU Films New Line-Up [Rumour]

The DCEU news just isn't stopping for me, is it??? Supposedly, a rumour is going around on the internet of the new line-up of DC movies and future directors, which are going to be released between the start of 2017 and end of 2020.

And they are:

  • Wonder Woman - June 2nd, 2017
  • Justice League - November 17th, 2017
  • The Flash - April 13th, 2018
  • Aquaman - July 27th, 2018
  • Man of Steel 2 - October 5th, 2018
  • Shazam - April 5th, 2019
  • Batman - June 14th, 2019
  • Suicide Squad - November 1st, 2019
  • New Gods - April 3rd, 2020
  • Green Lantern Corps - July 24th, 2020
  • Justice League II - October 2nd, 2020

Well, you can clearly see that there have been some new release dates and a new movie in the line up and that is New Gods. Unfortunately, the solo Cyborg movie is not there, perhaps WB/DC wants to see how the character is when he teams up with the Justice League and The Flash (solo movie). Now I hope the date for the solo Batman movie is kind of false because we all know that Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns are writing the story for it and Ben said that he will take his time with the movie.

Top Picks To Direct Man of Steel 2

The current candidates to direct the Man of Steel 2 movie are Doug Liman, J.J Abrams and Edgar Wright. As you all know, Doug Liman is going to direct the Justice League Dark movie so he's out, so that leaves Abrams and Wright. I don't think that Wright will direct MOS 2 because if you may or may not know, he was supposed to direct Ant-Man (MCU) but, due to creative differences he had to go. He wanted to make Ant-Man his way and not Marvel's way, connecting the movie to the MCU.

If he does direct it, I'm sure he's going to make it great

So I highly doubt that he will work with WB/DC to make MOS 2 connect with the universe. Abrams, on the other hand, is a great choice but, I don't know about that. He's going to be producing Star Wars Episode VIII and I bet he has a lot on his plate at this point. But if he does, then Warner Bros MUST NOT INTERFERE with how he wants to handle Man of Steel 2. He's a great director, just watch Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, The Force Awakens and a bunch more.

David Ayer To Direct the sequel of Task Force X

Well, this is no brainer. Even though the reception of Task Force X wasn't fantastic by critics, there was an audience to see this movie and it's a great movie guys. I loved the movie, here's my REVIEW if you don't believe me. I'll be getting my Blu-ray copy on DAY ONE. So I can't wait for it, hopefully, WB/DC will learn from their mistakes and it will be a better movie. He's a popular DC character, I loved the CW Arrow version.

Let's hope we get a better villain this time and new team members (Can't wait for SS2)

Patty Jenkins To Direct Justice League II

Well, I don't know about this because we haven't seen Wonder Woman. If Wonder Woman does a good job (critic wise and box office) then maybe, if she is up for it, she will direct it. They have already given Zack Snyder the chance to direct Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Justice League. And I hope to GOD Justice League works because if it doesn't then, I think it's high time to let Zack Snyder go (Come on, three strikes and you're out). At this point in time, Jenkins is still an unknown director in the comic book movie world.

Look at that sweet imagery, nice shot Patty Jenkins. Let's pray WW performs well in box office and critics (ugh) love it.

However, I have confidence that Wonder Woman is going to be great. I mean you have Geoff Johns and Allan Heinberg writing the screenplay (the script of the film, including acting instructions and scene directions), also he is writing the story with Zack Snyder (he's the producer for the film//they plan and coordinate many aspects of the film production, ranging from selecting script, coordinating the writing and many more). And I hope Johns, is overseeing the editing stages of Wonder Woman.

All in all guys, this is just a rumour so we don't know if any of this is true. Also, Warner Bros might announce this news in early September. HERE is a link to the site that I got the info from, I didn't want to go over all of it (time wise for me).

So what do you think of this rumour, what are you most excited for in this rumour? Comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. Later tater. 

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