Thursday 27 October 2016

Quick Update - Kingdom Hearts III Screenshots & Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 HD Remix (PS4 Announcement)


This will be quick post guys. Square Enix have just released two screenshots of Kingdom Hearts III and it shows Sora in Mount Olympus (I think that's what it is called) battling Heartless with a new weapon and he has some new clothes too. That's right people, the Drive Forms from Kingdom Hearts II are back and they look better than ever. This game looks like a Pixar movie. Images are down below.

And today, Square Enix have just announced that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD and 2.5 HD will now be released for the Playstation 4. Granted I already have 2.5 on my PS3 but, it's unplayable for me (controller is completely destroyed). I haven't got 1.5 and plus, it's going to be running at 60fps and it's on the PS4. So it's an instant buy for me and I get to play it with my brand new screen.

So yeah I'm pretty excited for Kingdom Hearts next year. What about you guys, are you going to be playing Kingdom Hearts in the near future? Comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. Later. 

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