Monday 1 August 2016

Wonder Woman (2017) - Official Trailer Review

Well, I'm certainly late for this review. But fear not, I AM HERE!!!

As you all have probably heard or watched by now, we have our first official trailer for Wonder Woman, the third installment in the DC Extended Universe and I have to say out of all the trailers that were shown at San Diego Comic-Con, this was by far the best and my personal favourite.

The opening shot, we see Diana save Chris Pine from drowing, which I presume, and this is the first time she has seen a "man" before. If you don't know what an Amazon is, they are a group of female warriors living in Themyscria and they have been closed off from civilisation, meaning that they don't know what's outside of their homeland.

One thing that you notice in this trailer is the use of colors, for Themyscria it's vibrant, colorful and there's a lot of gold and for the location where World War I is held, it's dark, gloomy and grey which war is known for, mind you because I said that, does not mean that the movie is going to be dark like Batman v Superman. It's totally different.

Never mess with an Amazon

And you do see more humour in this, right off the bat, Chris Pine asks Diana who is your father and her replies is "I was brought to life by Zeus". Chris Pine reaction was like, well that's neat. But, the action in this trailer OMG, I don't how to describe it other than EPIC!! You see Wonder Woman taking on a group soldiers and she is going HAM on each and everyone of them, she breaks a rifle with her back/arms, grips a dudes wrist and pushes him back and we finally get to see the Lasso of Truth in action (now that is one woman that I don't want to mess with).

Diana is taking care of business

To be honest with you guys, I'm more excited for this movie than Justice League and even Doctor Strange because it's our first time, technically, seeing a female superhero in the current trend of superhero movies up on the big screen. Name me one female superhero movie since the rise of superhero movies that we have seen, go on I'll wait........................ZERO!!! It's all a bunch of guys And you gotta love her theme music at the end, so iconic.

I think this movie and hopefully Task Force X will make the DC Extended Universe great again, I think the characters for Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) are going to be great together and if they market the other trailers properly (no spoilers Warner Bros, pls), I think we are going to have an awesome movie. Hopefully, this movie will wake Marvel up and give us a Black Widow movie ASAP because let's face it, she is a interesting character. COME ON MARVEL!!!

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman was a perfect choice. Hope she and Patty Jenkins (director) kill it
So the Wonder Woman Comic-Con trailer, have you seen it, what did you think about it? Comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. PEACE.

P.S. This version of Wonder Woman is the New 52, so if you want to know a bit about her I suggest reading the comic books.

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