Thursday 7 July 2016

Theory of the Future of Marvel Cinematic Universe & What Happened to the DC Cinematic Universe?

This article is pure speculation on my part. None of the information that I'm about to write has not been confirmed. Hope you enjoy.

Welcome everyone, I've been doing a lot of research and watching a ton of videos on Marvel, DC and Fox superhero films and I just want to voice out my opinion. This might be a lengthy and (maybe) a confusing article, so I'm going to do my best to explain my thoughts. Wish me luck.

Marvel Cinematic Universe & Fox Studios

First, let's talk about Marvel. As you all know, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been a smash hit ever since the first phase ended with Marvel's The Avengers, which grossed over $1 billion. And ever since then, many film studios wanted a piece of that pie, we have Fox having the X-Men and Fantastic Four characters, Warner Brother's/DC characters and the formerly Sony's Spiderman Universe. If it wasn't for Kevin Feige, we would never have any of these amazing films. Apparently, WAY back in the early 2000s, he wanted to do a cinematic universe but, many executives from Marvel and I think from other studios thought it was impossible to tell a story so cohesive and large. Well, looks like they were wrong.

Kevin Feige, the man who started it all.

Marvel Universe

Now that we are in Phase Three, we are very close to the end of, as I like to call, the Infinity War Saga and The Avengers will be facing against the Mad Titan, Thanos. As of right now, we do know that the main actors/characters from the first Avengers film, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson etc will be returning in Infinity War along with some characters from other movies and hopefully the Netflix series (I really want the Defenders to come into the movie). There have been many rumours going around the internet stating that Marvel might be talking to Fox Studios to work out a deal to have the X-Men or the Fantastic Four characters in the MCU. We've seen this happen just recently, Marvel and Sony worked out a deal for Spiderman to appear in MCU and many, many fans were happy to see him back in the Marvel family. Now if you've seen, Captain America Civil War, without a doubt you know that was the best version of Spiderman ever.

The End Game of the Infinity War Saga

Finally, the wall-crawler has returned

The same thing might be happening to Fantastic Four because the 2015 adaption of Fantastic Four was a terrible movie, it had poor reviews and all the fans hated it (at least it had a good cast). According to ComicBookCast2, Fox have only seven years (2022) to make a Fantastic Four movie, otherwise, the license will go back to Marvel Studios.

Rumours suggest that Fox was only making this re-boot, with a low budget, to keep the license away from Marvel Studios. I think we all know that if Marvel has their characters back, they will immediately start thinking of ideas of how to plant them in the MCU.   

Now if you have heard earlier, the Inhumans movie have been removed from Phase Three film line-up and we don't know what year we will be seeing them but, that doesn't mean the movie is cancelled, it's just been moved to what I believe is Phase Four. This calls for even more hope because after Phase Three has finished, we don't know who will be the major threat to destroy Earth. And my guess it will have to be The Planet Consumer, Galactus. I don't know much about the character, only that he is in the Fantastic Four comic book. I just hope that Fox will cooperate with Marvel because this would make fans even happier because we will be getting a ton of Marvel films/character and in return, the story will be EPIC. But, if you want more info on this subject, click this LINK and ComicBookCast2 will explain in much detail.

Who knows when we will see the Inhumans? Maybe Phase Four??

Could we be seeing Silver Surfer and Galactus appear in MCU? Silver Surfer is an associate of Galactus, The Planet Consumer. 

DC Cinematic Universe

Last but not least, let's talk about the DC Cinematic Universe. Well if you have watched Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and been keeping up with the DCU, you may have heard that Geoff Johns and John Berg will be in charge of all the DC movies that will be released in the coming future. We all know that Batman v Superman had a major divide amongst fans and critics, some say it was a great movie, while others thought that it was pretty bad or just average. I myself thought it was average but, it had some good moments, for example, Batman/Batfleck, Wonder Woman and the Dawn of Justice elements. I will write up my review of the movie later this year because the ultimate editon just got released and it has some scenes that were cut from the original movie.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, didn't live up to fans expectations

Now to give you my thoughts on Geoff Johns and John Berg being in charge of DCU. I think this is a fantastic move on Warner Brothers part. We all know that Geoff Johns is a great comic book writer, I've been meaning to pick up some of his comics, and I think he can give us an amazing story because he knows each and every Justice League character so well. He will also be producing all of the DC films alongside, John Berg, who will also serve as the business side of the DC films, such as marketing, budget for the movies etc, at least that's what I believe.

Geoff Johns - Can he make the DC Cinematic Universe great?

John Berg....don't know much about him. Hope he does a great job.

OK, finally I'm just going to talk about the line-up of the DCU movies but, I won't spend time on each movie.

Task Force X (August 5, 2016)

This year we are going to get Task Force X and it stars Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto and many others. The premise of the story, according to Wikipedia is like this "A secret government agency led by Amanda Waller recruits imprisoned supervillains to execute dangerous black ops missions in exchange for clemency and saving the world from an unknown but powerful threat". All the trailers so far have been superb, they are not revealing the plot so easily, Jared Leto as the Joker looks quite awesome. I mean look at that image, that is one crazy Joker right there. And Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn.....don't get me started guys, OMG (I love Harley). I'm having high hopes for this film and Batman will make a cameo appearance in the movie.

Now this is a squad. Will most of them survive and who is the main villian? Is it the Joker or somebody else?

Wonder Woman (June 2, 2017)

We are finally getting our first female superhero in the flesh and if there's one thing that you can be certain of is that Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman was one of the best things in Batman v Superman. As soon as she blocked Doomsday laser blast and her theme music kicked in, the hair on the back of my neck just rose and I was like....I can't put it to words but I was excited. I knew from the very beginning when she was cast as Wonder Woman, when everybody was uncertain that she would be good, I was 100% sure that she would be great. Now we don't know much about the movie, we are just waiting for a trailer to be released. To my belief, I think we are getting a trailer this year.

One of the best moments in the movie. Wonder Woman - the Amazon princess and immortal demigoddess daughter of Zeus

The Rest of the DC Films

For the next four years, we will be getting Justice League (dir. Zack Snyder) on November 17, 2017, The Flash (dir. Rick Famuyiwa) on March 16, 2018, Aquaman (dir. James Wan) on July 27, 2018, Shazam on April 5, 2019, the sequel to Justice League (dir. Zack Snyder) on June 14, 2019, Cyborg on April 3, 2020 and Green Lantern Corps on July 24, 2020. We are going to be entertain for the next few years and not to mention the Marvel movies.

The DC Cinematic Universe movie line-up

DC announced this year that James Wan will be directing Aquaman, he had a choice between Aquaman and The Flash, and as you know he chose Aquaman. If you have watched any of his movies and especially The Conjuring series, I think he is a fantastic director. The Conjuring series may very well be my favourite horror movies ever. If you want to know my thoughts on The Conjuring, here is my review for The Conjuring 2 (click here for the review). Finally, Rick Famuyiwa is not a well-known director, however, the movie called Dope was a huge success and got his name out there in the movie industry. I hope the movie goes well, Ezra Miller will be playing as Barry Allen and that's pretty much it.

Cyborg & The Flash

As for the rest of the movies, Shazam hasn't been cast other than the fact that, Dwayne Johnson will be playing as Black Adam. Dwayne Johnson is such a likeable guy and he will be so great as Black Adam. Hopefully, he will play as an anti-hero instead of a villain, that way we can see more of him in the DCU. Cyborg will be played by Ray Fisher, he's an unknown actor, he only had a cameo appearance in Dawn of Justice. And last but not least, the Green Lantern Corps. No information has been released, hopefully, this year San Diego Comic-Con they will give us an update of all the DC films. As for the two unannounced films that are coming out on October 5, 2018, and November 1, 2019, but what we do know is that the 2018 film will be a Batman solo film and that will be directed by Ben Affleck and Geoff Johns will produce alongside him. Ben Affleck is a great director, I don't need to explain anymore about how good of a director he is. And I can guarantee that Geoff Johns will work super close on Aquaman, Justice League, The Flash and Green Lantern Corps because he made Aquaman so cool and powerful, whereas back in the day he was a joke.

Founders of the Justice League

In the end, the superhero universe is shaping up to be great. So what do you think is going to happen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Cinematic Universe? Will we see the Fantastic Four again in the MCU, who is your favourite Marvel/DC character? Let me know in the comments below and on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you again. Later.

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