Wednesday 29 June 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane - Movie Review

Cast: John Goodman as Howard Stambler, Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Michelle, John Gallagher, Jr. as Emmett DeWitt, Bradley Cooper as Ben (voice only) and Suzanne Cryer as Leslie. Directed by Dan Trachtenberg.

Monsters come in many forms....and boy does it.

I just finished watching this movie with my friends and man, this movie was really good. I've never felt so claustrophobic in a movie in a very long time.

10 Cloverfield Lane is supposedly the second film in the Cloverfield franchise but, it's not a sequel or a spin-off. I think it's just set in the Cloverfield universe. So the movie starts off with Michelle (played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead) leaving her boyfriend and moments later, she gets into a car accident and suddenly wakes up in an underground bunker with Howard (John Goodman) and Emmett (John Gallagher Jr). And Howard insists that Michelle stays with her because the Earth has become uninhabitable for unknown reasons.

I feel I should tell you that this movie really makes you want to bite your nail when the tension scenes come on. The three actors did an amazing job in the roles they played but, the person who steals the show is John Goodman. The moment you see him, you just know that this person is just insane and plain creepy on a whole another level. He's controlling Michelle and Emmett in this bomb shelter and you don't know when he is going to flip. Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a bomb shelter with him because just the pure size of him can be intimidating to anyone and it makes you powerless to do anything.

But what you get with this movie is a very claustrophobic/tension feel movie about this girl who was basically kidnapped and forced to stay in this bunker and you don't know if Howard is telling the truth.

In the end, 10 Cloverfield Lane is an excellent movie. The three main actors in this movie did a fantastic job, John Goodman steals the show, great tensions and hopefully, if you go into this movie not expecting a Cloverfield sequel, you are going to have a good time. So glad I got this movie on Blu-ray.

So 10 Cloverfield Lane have you seen it and what did you think about it. Comment below, spread this article around and let me know on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) on your thoughts and I'll see you next time. Later.

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