Sunday 31 January 2016

NEW Final Fantasy XV Gameplay Trailer and The Return of the Female Dragoon Lancer

What's up guys and gals, I'm here today to give you some exciting news. Some new gameplay footage of the highly anticipated Final Fantasy XV has been released.

(If the video from up above doesn't work or it's not clear, go to this link right here Final Fantasy 15 Official Niflheim Base Battle Footage I'll be sure to put the video up, once it is available to me).

Noctis and his friends are infiltrating a base in Niflheim and this is where things take an unexpected approach in FF XV. For the first time, we are going to have some stealth gameplay in the game. Now listen, from what I can gather based on the trailer and earlier gameplay trailers, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be sneaking throughout the entire game, mostly likely it just a sequence in the game that you can sneak your way through or go all out. So no need to worry. (I've read some comments online and people are worried lool)

Anyway, during the trailer we get to see new but, familiar mechanics in the game such as new combos, warp attacks, magic and more. I haven't played Episode Duscae back when it was released because I want to stay far, far away from this game as much as possible, but I have seen some screenshots and you can notice the differences (look down below).

Old Gameplay Screenshot

New Gameplay Screenshot
Also, we get to see Noctis and friends take down an army of soldiers and what appears to be some - what the fans are calling - Final Fantasy Metal Walkers. All in all, the combat looks good, just the amount of action that we will be able to do and not to mention, the visuals are amazing. I don't think any game, in my opinion, can look better than Final Fantasy XV.

And just when the trailer is coming to a close, we get to see the return of the female dragoon lancer, that was previously shown in earlier gameplay trailers back when FF XV was called Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Her name is Araena Highwind. Another reincarnation of the Highwind name from other Final Fantasy games and also, if you remember Noctis and friends run in with a mechanic called Cidney (Japanese version), Cindy (English version). Araena Highwind is the Captain of the Niflheim Empire's Third Army Corps 86th Airborne Unit and she seems like a powerful opponent to face.

Araena Highwind (Captain of the Niflheim Empire's Third Army Corps 86th Airbone Unit)


Simply put it, I cannot wait for this game to be released, my predictions for this game to come out will be from April to September. Hopefully, it won't come out after September because I want to play it, during summer.

Noctis vs Aranea Highwind
What did you guys think of the trailer, are you hyped for FF XV or are you still not convinced. Let me know in the comments below, spread this article around and I'll see you next time readers.

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