Sunday 24 January 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane & Sucidie Squad Trailer

What's up guys and gals, sorry for this late article. Not a lot of free time on my hands since I have late night classes to go too. Hope you had a good holiday because 2016 is going to be a great year of games and movies, and to be honest, 2015 was kind of disappointing.

10 Cloverfield Lane - Offical Trailer # 1

As you may have heard or watched, a new trailer from Bad Robot Productions is set to be released on March 11, 2016, and that is 10 Cloverfield Lane. Apparently, it is not considered a sequel to the 2008 movie Cloverfield but, as J. J. Abrams described as "a blood relative". In my opinion, I think it's set after the events of the film.

Now when I saw this trailer on YouTube, I was drawn to it because of the music they used for the trailer was really catchy and as the video kept going the mood of the environment that the characters were in went from happy/relaxing to suspense and thrilling moments. The cast is relatively small, and I mean very small, only three actors and they are Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman and John Gallagher, Jr.

The synopsis of the movie is this "After a car accident, a young woman wakes up in an underground cellar, where most of the action takes place. She fears she has been abducted by a survivalist, who tells her he saved her life and that a chemical attack has left the outside world uninhabitable. Uncertain what to believe, she decides she must escape, whatever dangers she may face outside".

I'm really looking forward to this movie, it looks really cool and anything that J. J Abrams directs/produce or makes is going to be great.

Suicide Squad Offical Trailer #1

Now you all know me, I love me some superhero films or should I say supervillain film (see what I did there), and Suicide Squad is just making me super anxious to watch this film. Let me say this, the music that they have for this trailer suits it's so good and when it hits the chorus it's just chaos. The song is called Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

The trailer starts off with all of the criminals being beaten and getting thrown into a undisclosed prison and they are off on a mission to "save the world", which you know they really aren't. I don't want go into detail of the movie but, I'm glad we can move past the Nolan movies (The Dark Knight Trilogy), not everything has to be realistic, the movie is fully embracing it's comic book lore and I like that. Everything that I've said or haven't said (don't really remember putting an article of the previous trailer that was shown) is here.

The characters are great, Margot Robbie looks amazing as Harley, big fan of Harley, Deadshot looks awesome. My only gripe about the movie is that we see the squad fighting some goons but we still don't know who are they up against, maybe it's The Joker, which by the way looks cool but in a good way, I think Jared Leto is going to be great in the movie. I think I'm more excited of Suicide Squad than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Let me know in the comments below, what movie are you looking forward to this year and I'll see you next time readers.

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