Tuesday 22 December 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review [MAJOR SPOILERS]

Cast: Harrison Ford as Han Solo, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa, Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, Daisy Ridley as Rey, John Boyega as Finn, Oscar Issac as Poe Dameron and many more. Directed by J. J. Abrams.

Star Wars nothing but Star Wars. I can't believe I watched it lol. A BIG FAT SPOILER WARNING!!!!

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is set 30 years after the Return of the Jedi and it stars Rey, Poe Dameron and Finn as they fight the First Order led by Kylo Ren, with the Resistance and it is led by legendary Rebel heroes Han Solo and Leia Organa. And you're probably asking yourself, where's Luke Skywalker, well, Luke is gone and the First Order are trying to find him to kill the "supposedly" last Jedi, but you won't see him until the very end of the movie. I mean like, a couple of seconds.

That's pretty much all I can explain about the basic plot of the movie, now I will move on to the heavy spoilers, the big moments of the movie and personally my favourite moments from it as well. I'm not going to talk about every character in the movie but, I am going to mention the ones I like. Other characters that you were hoping to see more often in the movie, appear very briefly. Captain Phasma didn't do much in the movie, I swear guys.

The action sequences are so cool, we all know that Abrams can do very good actions scenes. The X-wing and tie fighters fights were really cool and of course, familiar. You know that sound it makes when it going very fast (like someone covering their mouth while screaming). The lightsaber fights were among the best that I've seen in Star Wars. In the prequel's, it felt like there were dancing, the original trilogy was okay but, it wasn't a lightsaber fight that I had in mind. But that's not the case within this movie, it feels dirtier. When Finn, Rey and Kylo Ren fight (not much of a huge spoiler, you knew there were going to fight) you can see them hacking trees Rey and Finn are doing their best to survive against Kylo. And we have this sweet shot of the lightsabers near each others face. I wish I could take a screenshot of that exact fight.


First off, I want to give a big shoutout to John Boyega and Daisy Ridley because they were by far a good duo together. The amount of humor that they both gave off and the movie in itself was really good, the prequel's (Episode I, II, III) tried to be funny but, it came off as awkward or just flat out not funny, the original trilogy (IV, V VI) had a bit of humor but, not as nearly enough as the Force Awakens had.

Rey is a scavenger from the desert planet Jakku and she is by far my favorite Star Wars character I've seen in a while, granted my other favorite characters are Yoda and Darth Vader, just alone her personality and her character development is so interesting to me. We get small flashbacks of her as a child, apparently she was left by her parents on Jakku and she's been waiting on them ever since. When she meets Finn and they are on the run from the First Order, she was able to pilot the Millenium Falcon with great ease and boy oh boy, that was such an awesome scene. I can't even put into words how amazing she piloted it (just watch it and you'll see). However, as the story develops we come to find out that she is Force sensitive, not Finn as we see in the poster (up above) and in multiple trailers. That was a complete 180 when I watched it. And that scene when Kylo tries and grabs Luke's lightsaber but, instead it goes to Rey was so awesome. Not to mention, when she fights Kylo and gains the upper hand, she calms her mind and taps into the Force and manages to defeat him and gives him a scar on his face.

Finn is a Stormtrooper for the First Order and in the very beginning of the movie he is sent away on his first combat mission and he comes to find out how cruel the First Order can be. So, he decides to leave the First Order by releasing Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, they both crash land on Jakku and he meets up with Rey and two begin their journey. Now Finn was an interesting character for me because I and a whole lot of people speculated online and in numerous videos that he was Force sensitive and eventually Luke will train him. But, in the movie we come to find that he doesn't have the Force within him. He's just an ordinary dude in the movie, who by the way comes across as very funny in a few scenes. The entire audience from where I watched it were laughing when, he was trying to convince BB-8 that he isn't from the Resistance. After, the fight with Kylo, he gets seriously injured in the duel and his exact fate is unknown but, he is alive of course. (Rey speaks to Finn and tells him that they will meet again) Kylo slashed his back or maybe his spine and his hilt was piercing his shoulder.

Now comes Kylo Ren, let me just say this now. He is without a doubt my favourite villain especially when you hear him speak, kinda sounds like Batman, and that lightsaber of his sounds and looks great up close. Kylo Ren's real name is Ben Solo, that's right folks Han and Leia had a kid. But, what really surprised me was the fact he was on the Dark Side. And, I kept asking myself why on earth is he on the enemy's side. We come to find out when he was born he was Force sensitive and Luke started to train him in the Jedi Arts, but he was seduced to the dark side of the Force. His master, Supreme Leader Snoke, who by the way we only get to see in a couple of scenes has a scarred face on the left side of his face, manipulates him into killing all of Luke's other apprentices. Ren aspires to be just as powerful as Darth Vader A.K.A Anakin Skywalker, his grandfather but, he is conflicted within himself to return to the Light Side of the Force and he keeps talking to the helmet of Darth Vader to not or maybe return to the Light Side.

In some scenes, you will see Ren just lash out and destroys a bunch of stuff with his lightsabers, which were also funny. Because, Ben Solo was family, each of the previous generation of Star Wars (Han, Luke, and Leia) felt devasted and dealt with the tragedy in their own way. Luke simply disappeared and we see that at the opening crawl of the movie, Leia became active in the New Republic and later the Resistance and Han returned to being a smuggler. And I can't believe this happened, but in my mind, I kept saying he's going to do it. Kylo Ren straight up killed his own father. But, just before he goes his caress his son's face, implying that he forgives him or no matter what he will always love him and you can see it on Leia's face (remember because she has the force as well) that her husband is gone. I almost cried, almost.

At the end of the movie, Rey, Finn, Chewie escape from Ren and Snoke orders General Hux to bring Kylo Ren to him so that he can complete his training. And the same goes to Rey, who finally finds out where Luke is, thanks to R2-D2 and BB-8 who both have a map to Luke's location. Rey finds him and offers him his lightsaber, and the movie ends. Now, I'm guessing most people got their questions answered in the film, but in turn, there's a bunch of more question we need answers too. But I guess we will have to wait for Episode VIII, which is only a year and a half away.

All in all, this movie is a great start to a trilogy, I loved every second of it, it a wonderful revival for the Star Wars brand. Does the movie have flaws, yes, if you have watched Episode IV, you will find out that the structure of the plot is very similar but, with a new skin on top. I encourage everyone to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I'm going to watch a second time and I cannot wait to have this for my Blu-ray collection.

This may be my longest review that I've ever done. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. It's really hard writing this when you only seen it once, I like to watch movies multiple times so I can easily analyze it.

Let me know in the comments below, what did you think of the movie and who is your favourite Star Wars character and I'll see you next time readers.

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