Monday 21 December 2015

Upcoming Reviews & New Rating System

Hey guys, sorry I've been away for a while, you know Christmas and all. Just wanted to let you guys know that more reviews are coming very soon such as, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Marvel's Daredevil Season 1, maybe Narcos on Netflix. And yes, I've seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens hopefully the review will be up by Tuesday or Wednesday.

My first game review will be up and soon as I finished the game and that game is Rogue Galaxy. It's one of my favourite games on the PS2 and I'll go into detail, but not too much, in the game story and battle system. And finally, I'm going to stop rating movies and games based on letter grades. I will come up with a new rating system in the future but, for now just read the review and judge for yourself if the movie or game is good or bad.

Thanks for reading this article, hope you have a good Christmas (may the force be with you) and I'll see you next time readers.

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