Tuesday 12 September 2017

Patty Jenkins officially signs on to direct 'Wonder Woman 2'


It's been a long time coming, but as of today, Patty Jenkins has officially signed on to come back and direct Wonder Woman 2.

From The Hollywood Reporter, they added that Jenkins will not also direct but, produce and co-write the script with DC Films President Geoff Johns. You can clearly tell that Warner Brothers were very pleased with the results of Wonder Woman, box office and reviews, that they gave Jenkins a lot of creative control with the upcoming sequel.

Also, THR says that Jenkins new deal is in the $7-9 million range, so this makes her the most highest-paid female filmmaker in history and I'm glad she's up there. She made history with this superhero movie and if you want to find out, check out my review of Wonder Woman. Hopefully, Gal Gadot will also get a substantial pay raise in the sequel.

Mark your calendars everyone, Wonder Woman 2 is set to be released on December 13, 2019.

So, Patty Jenkins returning to the DC Extended Universe, are you excited or did your perfer someone else to direct it? Comment below and let me know, make sure to follow me on twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you later. PEACE.

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