Tuesday 16 May 2017

Alien: Covenant (2017) - Movie Review

Cast: Michael Fassbender as David and Walter, Katherine Waterston as Daniels, Billy Crudup as Christopher Oram, Danny McBride as Tennessee, Demian Bichir as Sergeant Lope and Carmen Ejogo as Karine Oram. Directed by Ridley Scott.


Alien Covenant is the sequel to the 2012 film Prometheus, the second installment in the Alien prequel series and the sixth installment in the entire Alien film franchise. A bit complicated, I know lol. Alien Covenant is about a crew of the colony ship called the Covenant and they are on a mission to go to a remote planet called, Origae-6 with two-thousand colonists on board. An incident occurs on the way to the remote planet and we have ourselves an Alien movie.

Now be warned, if you have not watched Prometheus, you might not understand some story elements that will be in the movie. So, it would be in your best interest to watch that movie before this one. If there is one thing you need to know is that when watching a Ridley Scott movie is that the visuals are insanely good. The movie is so beautiful, you feel like you want to pause the movie and take a second to admire all of the scenery. This was my first time watching an Alien movie in a cinema and I am definitely going to see the sequel in the cinema again, instead of watching it on Blu-ray. But, is the movie as a whole good or is a bad movie with beautiful shots.

This is a very, I wouldn't say slow movie but, at the beginning nothing scary happens, you get to know the characters, figure out who they are, there personalities and whatnot. And eventually, they have to land at a nearby planet because during there course, a human radio transmission intercepts there ships. Given this is an Alien movie, I would have to say that the characters in this movie make the dumbest decision when scary stuff is happening. If they didn't go to THAT specific planet, they wouldn't have met this fellow lol.

Xenomorph, I do not want that thing near me anytime soon.

But, this movie has some great visual horror, if you saw in the trailer, a baby alien is busting out of the soldiers back and tons and tons of blood just start pouring out. The soldiers was shaking like crazy, almost like a seizure. And the doctor who was in the room had it even worst. The baby alien started growing little by little and starting eating her face, it was so gratifying to watch but, at the same time, you want to look away. That was just ONE of the death/gory scenes, plenty later on guys, trust me.

Probably, may favorite scene in the movie.
The cast of the movie was really great, Michael Fassbender's character was really interesting, again, if you watched Prometheus, you would know the character he's playing, David. And in this movie, he's playing a different character called Walter. It was pretty cool seeing him play two different characters at the same time in the movie, that is some serious acting chops he's got there. Kathrine Waterston's character, Daniels was really good, she's the second in command of the ship and right from the get-go, she knew that landing on this planet would be bad, and guess what, she was right. She also had two pretty cool moments in the movie, I almost thought that she was going to die in this movie but ultimately, she didn't, so that was good. Michael Fassbender and Katherine Waterston carry this movie, so I hope we get to see them in the future.

Michael Fassbender as Walter

Katherine Waterston as Daniels
In the end, Alien: Covenant is a great movie, in my opinion. The gory scenes are great, the visuals are beautiful and the movie is really good....if you give it a chance. And what I mean by that is, if you are a longtime fan of the Alien franchise, you might walk away feeling disappointed because, in my mind, I think you guys want something new but, you don't know what you want. And if you are a newcomer, you might end up liking the movie. So, it is up to you as a person, if you like it or not. I enjoyed it as you can see and I am happy to say that this movie gets an:

Grade C - A very good movie and that's what it is. A very good movie.

So, Alien: Covenant, have you seen it and what do you think about it? What is your favorite Alien movie? Comment below, spread this article around, follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. PEACE.

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