Saturday 18 February 2017

Changing Things on my Blog (One-Shot Review)

Hey guys and gals, sorry I haven't been updating my blog. Got a lot of uni work to go through so reviewing movies/tv shows, giving you news update will be difficult. I will let you know when I'm free and back to blogging.

But, I decided to introduce a new way for me to review movies in a quick and cohesive way and that is called One-Shot Review. One-Shot Review will be about giving you a quick rundown of the movie that I watch, it won't be super long like my other reviews but, you will know my thoughts of the movie. The review will be only a paragraph long and I will still be using my grading scale.

Hope you guys will like this change and stick with me till the end.

Make sure to follow me on twitter (@dmyxxxx), spread this article around and I'll see you next time. Later.

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