Saturday 11 February 2017

'The Batman' Has Found It's Director & Hiatus On My Blog

Greetings everyone, I know it's been FAR TOO LONG since I've made an update on my blog but, I got a lot of uni work to get through.

So, as you have all heard a lot of DCEU news have been revealed for the past month or so and as a fan of the DCEU, I cannot be any more excited for what's in store. Dwayne Johnson's getting his own solo Black Adam movie, Black Manta casting and so much more. But, the news that has everyone talking about is 'The Batman'.

That's right, ladies and gentleman, The Batman has found its director and that is Matt Reeves. Now for anyone, out there that doesn't know Matt Reeves, he is the one who directed Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and is planning to release the sequel, War of the Planet of the Apes, this summer I believe. Both of which are excellent movies, highly suggest that you go watch them. He also directed Cloverfield and Let Me In, so this guy has a lot of experience under his belt.

The DCEU future is looking very bright

There have been many issues with the development with The Batman movie, with Ben Affleck's busy schedule and the constant pressure of directing this movie. I'm glad that Ben has some room to breathe now, with the media constantly and constantly asking him 'BATMAN, BATMAN, BATMAN, BATMAN', I can't lie, I would be slightly annoyed.

As for this news, I think this is excellent. I'm pretty sure that this Batman movie will be my second favorite Batman movie, first being The Dark Knight. Hopefully, The Batman can claim my favorite Batman movie of all time. We don't know any other details of when production (filming) is set to begin, I'm hoping for a 2019 release.

Will The Batman movie be released in 2018 or 2019. (Hoping for a 2019 release to be honest)

P.S. I will be taking a break from my blog, starting now. I've got a lot of uni work to go through and I don't think I'll be able to do any reviews or news updates for a while. Was really looking forward to reviewing Logan. At least 2 or 3 months. I hope you guys will continue to go on my blog when I'm back.

So Matt Reeves directing The Batman movie, what do you think about this? Who is your favorite actor to play as Batman? Comment below and let me know. Make sure to spread this article around and follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. PEACE.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Matt Reeves is an excellent choice, he definitely has experience with action and cinematography,Im also excited for Deathstroke. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was a beautifully directed and shit film. As for the Rock playing Black Adam, who would be your pick for Shazam. I would pick Ty Simpkins from Iron Man 3 for Billy Baton and Channing Tatum from if not for Gambit for Shazam
