Tuesday 20 December 2016

Spider-Man: Homecoming - Trailer Review


Finally, my schedule clear, now I can talk about Spider-Man: Homecoming. As you all know, this month has been pretty crazy with a ton of trailers coming out. Marvel have finally released the trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming and I have to be COMPLETELY honest guys, I'm not THAT excited for this movie. But, let me save that portion at the end, let me give you my thoughts.

The very first shot we see of Homecoming is the typical Spidey routine where he just shows off his moves and taunts the robbers. I pretty much expected that we would be getting a scene like this in the movie. Remember The Amazing Spiderman movie, there was a similar scene to this.

Uhhh robbers, look behind you.

But, the thing about this trailer that I'm most looking forward to with the movie is the high school experience of Peter Parker. Throughout the entire Spider-Man movie franchise, we have yet to see Peter in high school. Sure, the Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire's Spider-Man were in high school in the first movie but, we got to see very little of it. As soon as the sequels dropped, they were out of high school. Marvel have said that the sequels of Homecoming, will all be set in high school. We won't see him trying to find a job or be a pizza delivery guy, I really disliked Toby Maguire's Spider-Man, as a kid I loved it but, looking back at it now. He didn't really seem smart, to be honest with you.

Finally, a Peter Parker that actually stays in high school

What is Zendaya role going to be?

We also got to see several criminals wielding some sort of weapon, perhaps, they are working with the Vulture. Also, if you happen to catch it, I got to see my boy Donald Glover in the trailer. It seems as if, he's working with the criminals, fans are speculating that he's Miles Morales uncle, Aaron Davis A.K.A The Prowler. I was hoping he would be Miles Morales, a much more experience Spider-Man similar to Ben Affleck's Batman. If you don't know, Ben Affleck's Batman has been a crime-fighter for the past 20 years in the DCEU, so he's the most experience member of the Justice League. It would've been really cool if Marvel went that direction.

What is Donald Glover's role???

Speaking of the Vulture, Michael Keaton is a perfect pick for the Vulture. We only got to see a glimpse of him in his suit and I have to say, I'm glad that Marvel are picking a different villain for Spider-Man because he has so many and Sony kept using Green Goblin and some other low-ranking villains in his rogue gallery. Judging from the Vulture's helmet, it looks like he was a jet-fighter in the army. I also remember that the director said that when Spider-Man and Vulture square off, there will be a lot of aerial battles so that's going to be pretty cool. And finally, we got to see Tony Stark in the trailer and he's still treating Peter like a kid. It looks like he will be a sort of father figure for Peter and the last shot of the trailer we see Spidey and Iron Man flying off somewhere, most likely to stop the Vulture.

The Vulture

An awesome shot of the Vulture introduction

Iron Man and Spider-Man

Remember when I said that I wasn't excited for this movie, well it starts now. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Spider-Man. He's so relatable but, I think I'm pretty tired of the Marvel movies and by tired, I mean I need a break from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Next year they are going to release, in order, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor Ragnarok, Marvel's Iron Fist, Marvel's The Defenders and Marvel's The Punisher. ALL OF WHICH, are coming in 2017 mind you. That's.....I don't even know what to say. I just think Marvel needs to take a step back and release 2 or 3 movies/Netflix shows a year. Granted, the DCEU will be releasing three of their movies in 2018 and onwards but, I'm not tired of their universe because they just started. I'm just a little tired of the MCU.

I don't know, maybe it's just me. Going off topic, I'm not going to watch or review Thor Ragnarok because the Thor movies have all been really disappointing, to be honest with you.

In the end, this trailer was a good trailer but, it didn't get me excited for what's coming in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Hopefully, this will be the VERY first MCU movie that I buy on Blu-Ray because I haven't got a single one yet. I only got DCEU movies and I will be picking up Days of Future Past, X-Men Apocalypse and Logan.

So Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, have you seen it, what did you think about it? Comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. Later.

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