Sunday 7 August 2016

Justice League (2017) - Trailer Review


With my schedule clear, I can FINALLY talk about the big elephant in the room that came out of San Diego Comic-Con and that is Justice League. As you all probably have watched by now and a ton of people gave their thoughts about it, seeing it how I'm a complete slowpoke when it comes to posting stuff on my blog, DC Films released the trailer of the fourth installment in the DC Extended Universe at Comic-Con and boy was it good.

In the trailer, Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman are recruiting Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg into the Justice League. Sadly, no Green Lantern uggh. Barry Allen is the most interesting one out of the bunch because this is our first time seeing the Flash on the big screen and DUDE, I'm liking Ezra Miller as the Flash. He's all nerdy and he has no friends at this point in time. Bruce Wayne throws his Batarang at Barry and it took me a second to realise that the lighting across the room is coming out of Barry because he's tapping into the Speed Force. Remember Barry is the fastest meta-human and seeing how slow everything is around him when he going fast is so cool. To Barry it's like milliseconds but, to Bruce, it's like a second or two from his perspective. I can't wait to see how fast he really is when he has to run and fight. I will always love the Flash (TV Version) but, come on this looks cool and his costume looks sweet too. Many people online prefer that he has spandex like the other Flash (TV Version) but, come on, let's have some variety people. I love the armour suit.

Hope we see The Flash and Reverse-Flash fight one another, that would be sick.
Barry tapping into the Speed Force

The tone of this movie is completely different than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, they are trying to put more humour in and more hope into the movie because let's face it, Dawn of Justice was dark. Even the picture below represents how different it is from Dawn of Justice.
Justice League. Aquaman's costume looks great and I love that Wonder Woman is in the center.
Aquaman doesn't look like he wants to be a part of the team, he has that IDC attitude and he's throwing Bruce to a wall. That is one Atlantean that you don't want to mess with. And you have that little joke at the end, that Bruce makes to Aquaman "so I hear you can talk to fish". Aquaman wasn't a popular DC hero back in the day, he was a joke so I like how they put that there, good job. The way that Cyborg looks is BEAST, probably the best CGI I've ever seen in a superhero movie by far. The inside of his chest is all red and you can see all the armour he has. It looks super futuristic.
Half-Human and Half-Atlantean, Arthur Curry. Hope we get to see Aquaman powers in action.
I feel sorry for Cyborg. Not being able to sleep, eat or know whether or not is he human.

My only gripe that I have with the DCEU or in general superhero movies is that they all need to have little jokes in them. Not every film needs to have it, I like dark/serious stuff most of the time and there are sometimes where I like a joke or two in a comic book movie. It's as if, the critics all want these superheroes films to be all light and dandy and where there are no stakes/consequences or there's no serious/dark moment. But, let's save that topic for the future, shall we. That's one of the major downsides that I have with Marvel, I haven't seen a serious/dark side to them yet. Everything is all cheery at the end of every movie. Don't get me wrong I like the Marvel films but, what DC is showing us, I'm liking them more gradually and I hope they can nail it in this film, Task Force X and the rest of the DC Films. I want DC to be where Marvel is, I don't want ONLY Marvel superheroes. DC has a great cast of heroes and villains.

Probably my favorite rogue gallery for heroes and villains in superhero world
All in all, this trailer has me pumped for the Justice League, even the music was cool. I still think that Lex Luthor is a miscast (seeing it how he is going to appear in this film), Wonder Woman and Batman are perfect. If DC market this right and don't give us any spoilers, we are going to have a good time.

So the Justice League trailer, have you seen it, what did you think about it? What character stands out to you the most in the DC Films line-up? Comment below, spread this article around, remember to follow me on Twitter (@dmyxxxx) and I'll see you next time. Later tater.

P.S. Was I the only one who said out loud, when Barry was using the Speed Force, he's lighting isn't yellow lool. I'm such a idiot. I wonder why they didn't do that.

That blue lighting it reminds me of somebody......

OMG!!!!!! You don't think loool

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