Sunday 14 February 2016

My Theory on the Upcoming Episodes of The Flash [Spoiler]


I've been thinking for a while now on the last two episodes of The Flash, respectively called The Reverse-Flash Returns and Fast Lane. Now if you watched those two episodes then you can continue reading but, for those who haven't seen it this will contain some spoilers so, you have been warned okay.


This is going to be a bit confusing because we are dealing with time travel, so I hope I can explain it to the best of my ability, wish me luck.
As the episode title suggests, Reverse-Flash returns but, this Reverse-Flash is the original Reverse-Flash, the future Reverse-Flash, before he became Dr. Harrison Wells, before all the major events that occurred in Season 1. You know Eobard Thawne (played by Matt Letscher) (picture below).

Eobard Thawne//Reverse-Flash

As we discover during the episode, Wells suspects that this version of Eobard is from the future, before he went back in time to kill Barry's mother because he doesn't know who The Flash really is. Later on, because this Eobard is now in the present (the show we are watching now) the timeline has gone all haywire and this will lead to Cisco's death. Unfortunately, Barry had no other choice but to return Eobard back to his timeline and at the end of Fast Lane, Barry tells Wells that they will be going to Earth-2 to rescue his daughter, along with Cisco.

Now this is where things get interesting/confusing, for those who've watched it, now that Eobard has seen everyone's face, I'm talking about Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Wells and Joe. He can now return to his time with that knowledge and kill Barry's younger self and thus, there will be no Barry Allen. Because if you kill your past self, the current you will never exist.

Future Barry (The Flash) rescue his younger self from being killed by Reverse-Flash

However, Eobard fails and instead stabs Barry's mother. Unlucky for him, he will remain in the present (Season 1 timeline), because he doesn't have enough speed force to travel back to his time. And there he will create the particle accelerator, thus creating The Flash, so he can go back to his time.

Reverse-Flash is unable to return to his time.

Do you guys remember the very last episode of season 1, when Barry had a chance to save his mom again but, the future Barry told him not to do it?

Barry had the chance to save his mother.

My theory is that during one of the upcoming episodes, we will see that very same scenario but, in the current Barry's respective, the Flash that we are all watching as of right now. We have to see this major event happen again, whenever we see two Flashes in a single episode, you know we are going to see Barry time travel, he always does, even if he doesn't want to.

Future Barry told past Barry not to save his mother or interfere

Remember when he saw another Flash run beside him and, later on, he time-traveled at the end of the episode and in the season we are currently in, the crossover episode of Arrow and The Flash, he time-traveled halfway in the episode. It makes sense right, two Flashes in a single episode, the past Barry will then time-travel. Awww man, my head hurts, talking about time travel is so confusing.

Two Flashes in a single episode
I may be completely wrong about this theory but, it's fun to speculate. As I recall, I remember watching or reading an article/video on Wikipedia and/or YouTube video about we will see Reverse-Flash more than once in season two. Hopefully, my assumption is correct.

What do you guys think of my theory? I hope to God you guys understood it, was really hard for me to write this down. Let me know in the comments below, spread this article around, follow me on twitter (My twitter) and I hope you guys have a good valentine's day. Later.

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