Thursday 3 May 2018

Making a Return on Blogging & Definitive Grade Scale for Movies and TV Reviews

Hello guys, I know it has been a VERY VERY long time since I've updated my blog. To be honest, I just didn't have the motivation to update it for some reason. But, I am back and better than ever.

Now, I know a ton of news, movies and TV shows have been released and I can't report on all of them but, there was a big news that dropped yesterday night for me. And I will go into more detail in my next update, so look out for that.

Just wanted to reassure you guys that I am back and expect me to update you on future movie news, TV and movie reviews in the near future. I'm thinking my first comeback review will be Solo: A Star Wars Story, so look out for that.

And now, onto my grading for movies and TV. From now on, I will be using emojis to grade my movies. Yes, I know very odd lol but, I figure this is better than giving it a traditonal letter grade or score. Now the grade doesn't mean anything, I encourage you to read my review and judge for yourself on whether or not you are going to watch it. The grade is just there for my own purpose.

🤩 - Perfect movie in the series or as an individual (Buy it on Blu-Ray on DAY ONE)
 👍🏿 - Excellent movie overall, a few problems here and there.
 👌🏿 - A good movie, definitely worth watching it again.
 🙄 - An Okay time but, you are not going to remember it or fall in love with it. (Noticeable flaws throughout)
 😱 - A terrible movie, don't watch it. PLEASE DON'T WATCH IT!!!!

Thank you for reading this and look forward to future updates. I'm not going to go away for a long time guys, so don't worry.

Remember to follow me on twitter (@DammySensei), comment below and let me know how you guys have been or what movies or tv shows are you excited to see and I'll see you next time. Later.

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